Home Numerology Your life path number and why it is significant in your life

Your life path number and why it is significant in your life

Your life path number and why it is significant in your life

Numerology was used for thousands of years to help determine meaning in the greater cosmic plan. Each letter in your name has a numeric value and each number can be reduced to a single vibration. The numeric values found in your name interact with the numbers in your birth-date to reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies.

Your Life Path Number is maybe the most important in determining your most fulfilling life direction.

Obtained from your date of birth, your life path number identifies your skills and abilities, the negative traits that you must balance, and even the motivation and purpose of your life.

Find out your birthday number

Finding your Life Path Number is simple and requires only a little simple addition. Start with writing down your birthday. As part of your numerology report, every meaningful number is reduced down to the vibration of a single digit. The exception to this rule is for “Master Numbers” 11 and 22. These numbers have special meaning and are never reduced when calculating your life path.

In the first step, convert the day, month and year of your birthday down to single digit form.


If your birthday is July 20, 1953, then write:

Day: 20 = 2+0 = 2

Month: July is the 7th month = 7

Year: 1953 = 1+9+5+3 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

Add the remaining numbers and again reduce them down to a single digit:

2+7+9 = 18 = 1+8 = 9

 Life Path Number = 9

A person can have any one of the following Life Path Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 or 22.


So what does it mean?


The number one is a spiritual and primal force. It is the root that all numbers stem from. This is perhaps why Ones tend to be doers. Assuming you are a One then you are aggressive and energetic. The 1 is a spearhead, always at the lead and often forceful. It stands upright, unwavering in its pride and purpose. You are courageous and willing to try anything new if you see promise, even at great danger. However, Ones are also very individualistic, which can lead to loneliness. You see through charm easily and you will not stand for hypocrisy. However, if Ones can harness their natural instinct to protect into compassion and understanding, they will earn unlimited loyalty from followers.


The number two is thought to be a feminine number, with its power and strength consistently underestimated. Twos tend to be artists of sorts, always gentle, understanding, and diplomatic. If you are a two, you are a natural born peacekeeper, whose innate urge is to diffuse situations rather than fight. However, as we said, Twos are often underestimated. You are incredibly devoted, and you expect that same devotion in return. Beware when Twos are betrayed or mistreated. While your tactful manipulation is able to avert most disasters, you still are possessive and easily made jealous.


Threes are natural born salesmen, with a natural Gift For Gab and overflow of charisma. If you’re a three, you’re the star of the party and liven up any room without even trying. You have a natural gift for creativity and you are well aware of your talent. However, Threes are also a bit like spoiled teenagers. They’re disorganized, in need of constant guidance, and blissfully unaware or ungrateful for the efforts others go through to protect them. However, for Threes, your greatest asset is also your greatest weakness. Because your charisma and natural talent come easily, you find it difficult to understand and relate to the struggles others. To become well rounded and happy, Threes must learn discipline and put constant effort into maintaining deeper relationships.


Fours are orderly and methodical and base their lives in logic. If you’re a Four, you’re the epitome of stability. You use hard work and reason to establish a solid foundation and believe any problem can be overcome with a proper plan. Often thought to be a more masculine number, the 4’s shape says it all – hard linear edges with no room for flow or flexibility.

While Fours may not end up being the CEO of a company, their hard work, loyalty and dependability will really carry them far in their career.


Fives are a whirlwind of energy, constantly in need of change and stimulation. If you are a Five, your family and friends probably view you as independent and unpredictable. You’re always up for an adventure and aren’t averse to taking risks. While you are surprisingly loyal, you may also be selfish, thoughtless and irresponsible, leaving a wake of damage for others to clean up. You are adaptable, smart and progressive and your respect for independence is reflected in your tolerant nature. However, this tolerance also makes you more likely to trust the wrong people. Fives are a poor judge of character and are often drawn to eccentric, unstable people. Your desire for instant gratification is usually your downfall, but with discipline and a stable family-like structure this can be avoided.

Related:  Hidden Passion Numbers


Nicknamed the motherhood number, the Six is a fixer. You are naturally caring and protective and you dedicate your life to fixing the problems of those around you. Sixes are the glue that holds families and communities together and they will protect their loved ones at any cost. For Sixes, you must be careful in how you choose your partners. Do not let sentimentality cloud your judgment. You must learn to discriminate between those you can help and those who are made weaker by your love. There’s a fine line between supporting and enabling.


Sevens are naturally curious and consequently find themselves devoted to investigating the unknown. However, you possess all of the skills to handle this challenge. You have a refined and analytical mind that is capable of great insight. Where others see only broken pieces, Sevens see a puzzle waiting to be solved. You are a strong mix of intellectual creativity and practical logic. Sevens have the potential for enormous growth and to go far in life. Invest time and effort into companionship and deeper relationships. Social interactions enhance your perspective on yourself and on life and should not be undervalued.


Eights place emphasis on career, business, finances and authority. You are spiritual, but maintain a practicality and realism to your spirituality. You know the difference between make-believe and genuine realizations. However, you are also perfectly balanced and are a force that creates as easily as it destroys. You are a pack animal and you do best when part of a team. You are naturally balanced and must surround yourself with people who maintain this. You have great potential for success, however, with too much independence or ego, you own an equal potential for failure.


From a numerologist perspective, Nines are proven the most interesting. When you multiply any number by 9, then add the resulting digits and reduce them to a single digit (as you did with calculating your Life Path Number), it result will always be a 9.

You lack the perspective that would otherwise allow you to enjoy life more fully. You have trouble accepting humanities natural limitations and therefore keep pushing, often sacrificing your own happiness to do so. You have a gift for examining the world objectively. Apply this to your own life and be honest with yourself. While it’s easy to withdraw, you must openly face your own shortcomings to better understand and appreciate love.


Elevens are the most intuitive of all Life Path Numbers and can sense a great deal about what’s going on behind the scenes. They have an innate understanding of others and are easily able to pick up on deeper cues. As a master number, Elevens have similar qualities to Twos, only amplified. You are dedicated and loyal and are likely to marry young. This amplified intuition is fueled by an unyielding energy, which makes it hard for others to sometimes keep up. Your sensitivity and high-energy make you prone to anxiety and stress. While you are always tactful and diplomatic, your anxiety could make you quick to feel slighted or attacked. You frequently envision ways to fight back, however, your intuition will usually keep you from making any sudden movements. Take care to give yourself ample time to decompress when faced with stressful situations. You must find balance between the extremes to find your calm.


If your Life Path Number is Twenty Two, you have the possibility for extreme success and power. You are well disciplined, ambitious, confident and pragmatic, all of which make you naturally able to turn dreams into realities.

As a master number, Twenty Twos share a lot of the same characteristics as Fours. You are hardworking and rooted in logic, breaking down complex situations into step-by-step solutions. However, unlike Fours, Twenty Twos have a natural gift for intuition and independence, which allows them to overcome social anxieties.

Twenty Twos are dedicated and disciplined visionaries. However, you must learn to accept that ideas may change and transform as they come to fruition. Variations from your original vision are opportunities, not failures.

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