It’s a Friday night. After a long, stressful week, you and your spouse need some to time to unwind. So what is the best way for you two to unwind? No, not that so get your mind out of the gutter! The best way you two can unwind is simply by working out together. Couple’s fitness as a host of benefits: fitness and relationship-wise. With that said, here are 5 benefits of training with your spouse.

Enhanced Positive Feelings Towards Each Other

Regardless if you all are married, engaged, or in a serious, long-term relationship, you both will have your ups and downs. While candle-lit dinners and foot massages are great to do together, fitness is as well. When you two are working out together, it enhances positive feelings you feel for one another. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain in which signals feelings of positivity. So imagine how positive you will feel when you and your sweetie are working out together.

Increases Bond Between The Both Of You

While doing things such as having long conversations in bed will build y’all chemistry, training together will as well. Imagine doing a set of pushups with your partner and you are pushing each other to finish a certain amount of reps. Not only will that help increase y’all fitness level, but by encouraging each other to do your best, will boost y’all bond.

Related:  The Mental Benefits of Sports

Keeps Each Other Motivated

Everyone has those days when they feel tired, lazy, mad, sad and other negative emotions. Those types of feelings can easily discourage you from going to the gym. Nonetheless, because you all are training together, your spouse can boost your morale and encourage you to workout. Research has shown that when couples train together, it increases the likelihood of both achieving their fitness goal(s).

Spend Quality Time Together

With both of you work long hours at a sedentary job like your average American, then you all likely have some weight to lose. Training as a couple will help solve two issues: Weight loss and spending time together. Helping each other live a healthy lifestyle will increase both of your lifespan. That equates to more quality time spent together in the future!

You Have A Consistent Training Partner

Your old workout buddy may have left you hanging, but your spouse won’t. Since you likely see each other every day, it is hard to make excuses not to workout. So when you need a spot when doing barbell squats, count on your spouse to be right behind you!

Those were 5 benefits that come from training with your significant other. What better way to get in shape than with the one you love!

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