Home Hobbies I Was the Girl.

I Was the Girl.


For women everywhere:


I was the girl

whose skirted legs climbed trees,

who spoke her mind with ease,

who made art as long as she pleased.


I was the girl

with eyes opened wide,

who took challenges in stride,

and let her heart be her guide.


But change came

as it does with too many girls.

“Be smaller, quieter,”

it whispered.


I was the girl

who folded up small,

who listened to the choir around her.

I was the girl who would quietly submit

to the opinion of men rather than my inner compass.


But change came

as it does with any girl who dares to listen

to the beating of her own heart.

“Be brave, be bold,”

it softly sang.


Voices of warrioresses

brave enough to claim

themselves added

to the stirring of my heart…


I am the girl

whose yogic legs pose into Tree,

who is learning to speak her mind with ease,

who makes art rather than simply appease.


I am the girl

with eyes opened wide,

Related:  10 activities that make good hobbies

who takes challenges in stride,

and lets her heart be her guide.

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