Home Relationship and family 5 tips on how to survive a long relationship

5 tips on how to survive a long relationship

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Like it or not, there are 2 types of long relationships.

The first one is a relationship between two best friends, the relationship that makes you happy every single day, makes you grow and it boost your life level.

The second type of long relationship is exactly the opposite. A relationship that is slowly fading away, in which the partners are watching each other die on the inside.

There are no more smiles, no more jokes, no more time spent together and no more happiness.

What does everybody want? To have the first type of relationship, to have a long relationship based on love, trust, excitement and kindness. How to survive a long relationship and be happy? Here are 5 easy tips:

5 easy tips on how to survive a long relationship

  1. Communicate

The first aspect and the most important aspect of a long and healthy relationship is communication. You have to find a way to openly and honestly communicate with each other. You partner has to know your feelings, your emotions and your opinions if you want to make it on the long way. Remember that relationships live and die not by the sword,  but by the discussions.

  1. Compromise

If you want to learn how to survive a long relationship, one of the most important steps is to compromise. Love won’t help you deal with any issue that may come, and in every relationship can appear misunderstandings or simply, bad days. So, be less ambitious and compromise more.

  1. Keep the spark alive

Remember the spark from the beginning? Keep it alive! Think every day about the reasons you love your partner, make surprises, be enthusiastic, fall in love with the same person over and over again. Take your relationship to the next level, without affecting the spark.

  1. Remember the importance of trust and honesty
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To have a real and healthy long relationship you can’t forget the importance of trust and honesty. Everybody values that in a partner. Why? Because nobody wants a relationship full of questions and doubts.

  1. Don’t cheat on your partner.

I guess you already know why, but anyhow, you’ll tell you some reasons: you will disappoint, probably you’ll get caught and you will be seen as a liar, you will lose your moral authority, you will be a bad example, you will create trust issue for your spouse and you will spend years trying to rebuild your relationship. If you feel the

If you feel the desire of cheating, it may be just out of curiosity and I strongly advise you to decrease your curiosity level, by thinking about the possible consequences, or it may be because your love for your significant other is fading away. If it is indeed fading away you should talk with your partner and try to see if there is any solution.

Any relationship has it’s ups and downs. If you really want to know how to survive a long relationship be patient and have faith in your feelings.

Share your experiences with us and you can help others learn how to survive a long relationship.

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