Home Health Get in shape! Follow a weight loss plan!

Get in shape! Follow a weight loss plan!

Get in shape! Follow a weight loss plan!

Do you have trouble losing weight? You want to live a healthier life and feel better about yourself? We’ve all been there and that’s why we are here to help. If you are wondering why to follow a plan to lose weight, the answer is simple: to achieve and maintain your ideal body, without harming your health.

We will present you two strategies.

  1. Counting calories to lose weight

  • Find your basal metabolic rate ( BMR )

BMR is a number of calories your body needs in order to function properly, an entire day. Online, you can find many BMR calculators, that will use your gender, your weight, and your height, along with other factors, to calculate your basal metabolic rate.

  • Reduce your calories intake, to less than your BMR

You can achieve a weight loss of 1 pound per week, by reducing your calories intake to 500 kcals less than your BMR. Never reduce your calories in an extreme way, because this will cause a slower metabolism and therefore will be more difficult for you to lose weight.

  • Find a diet partner

Finding someone with the same purpose as yours may help you by giving you motivation and raise you up when carvings leave you weak. If you have troubles in keeping track of your calories on your own, you should know that there are dieting clubs that offer the help you need.

  • Drink more water

If you want to lose weight, the water should be your good friend. The more, the better. If you are hungry, drinking water will act as a suppressant.  It also has another important role: it cleans your body on the inside.

  • Don’t eat everything

Do you want to make some kilos lost? Then you have to avoid certain foods, such as carb-only snacks, frozen foods, fast foods, fruit juice, bread, sweets, alcohol etc.


  1. Exercising to lose weight

  • Discuss your sports plan with a specialist

First of all, don’t start an exercising plan without the opinion of a specialist. Call one, establish a meeting, let him/her make you a personalized exercising program, based on your body, on your expectations and on your general condition. By asking for professional advice, you can also find out what’s your ideal weight.

  • Do aerobics
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This kind of exercise is benefic because it boost up your metabolism and your body will succeed to burn calories faster, so in the end you will lose some weight by burning more kcals than you take in. Try to do aerobics at least half an hour a day, for 5 days every week.

  • Practice strength training

This kind of training helps you to get bigger muscles, and bigger muscles require more calories. What is strength training? Curches, push-ups, squats, biceps curls. Do this 3 times a week, for an hour.

  • Don’t forget to walk

Walking is a great workout for people who aren’t used to hard training. It’s easy and relaxing.Walking is also good for your state of mind and your mental health.


If you are trying to lose weight, please remember that doing this in the fast way is not very healthy and will only give you short-term satisfaction, because quick weight loss plans don’t work as promised and you will gain back your kilos in no time. The best advice we can give you is to change your lifestyle, by making better choices regarding your meals and your daily activity.

We know that maintaining a healthy weight can be tough. If you have already tried and failed to lose weight, you may have the wrong impression that the weight loss plans don’t work for you. Our bodies are different so they respond differently to certain foods or exercises. There is no easy strategy for losing weight, but there are plans with plenty of steps you can take, in order to develop a healthier relationship with your body.

Our bodies are different so they respond differently to certain foods or exercises. There is no easy strategy for losing weight, but there are plans with plenty of steps you can take, in order to develop a healthier relationship with your body.

Please share with us your experiences regarding the weight-loss!

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