Home Health and Wellness Can Coffee Be Helpful to Your Liver?

Can Coffee Be Helpful to Your Liver?

Can Coffee Be Helpful to Your Liver?

Many people drink coffee every day to get them going in the morning or to get them out of a rut in the afternoon. However, java may do more than just perk you up. Researchers have discovered that it may be beneficial in other ways, particularly to the liver.

Prevent Disease

Researchers have found that coffee drinkers may be less likely to have:

  • Liver cancer
  • Cancer in the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium
  • Fibrosis, a disease that makes scar tissue form inside your liver. It’s a reaction to conditions like hepatitis or alcohol use disorder.
  • Cirrhosis, a late stage of fibrosis. As this disease gets worse, your liver has a harder time doing its job.
  • Non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, which develops when the liver cells store too much fat. This also keeps your liver from working like it should.
If you’re a big-time coffee lover, the news gets better. The more you drink, the more your chances of liver disease go down. In one study, researchers found that putting away 2 cups a day cut the odds of cirrhosis by 44%, and 4 cups a day lowered them by 65%.

Fighting Disease

If you already have a problem with your liver, coffee may help with that. Research shows that moderate amounts, typically between 1 and 3 cups a day, may slow down the following conditions:

  • Fibrosis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease

How it greatly helps

Coffee contains over 1,000 chemicals in addition to caffeine. Doctors are still trying to figure out what the body does with coffee to make it useful. Here are a few puzzle pieces:

When you digest caffeine, your body produces a chemical called paraxanthine, which slows the growth of scar tissue in fibrosis. This may aid in the fight against liver cancer, cirrhosis caused by alcohol, non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, and hepatitis C.

Two chemicals found in coffee, kahweol and cafestol, may aid in the fight against cancer. Doctors aren’t sure how strong the effect is, but some believe that moderate amounts of unsweetened coffee could work in conjunction with the main treatments for the most common type of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma.

Coffee acids may be effective against the virus that causes hepatitis B. According to one study, decaf coffee may provide the same benefit.

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According to studies, coffee benefits both men and women equally. And the benefits are apparent regardless of whether the coffee is filtered, instant, or espresso.

Coffee as Medicine
Photo by LEONARDO VAZQUEZ from Pexels

Coffee as Medicine

Doctors think coffee might become an important weapon in the fight against liver disease. After all, it’s easy to get and doesn’t have to cost much.

But at this point, doctors don’t know enough to recommend any specific amount. And coffee may not be for everyone. Even though it might help your liver, it may raise your chances of other conditions.

For example, some chemicals in it may raise your cholesterol level or blood pressure. That could be a caution sign for:

  • People with high blood pressure
  • Children and teens
  • Older adults

No matter how good coffee might be for you, the key to taking care of your liver is still your lifestyle. Eat healthy food, go easy on the alcohol, watch your weight, get vaccinated for hepatitis A & B, avoid sharing needles, and get regular exercise.

The End of Black Coffee:

New research has discovered that one small change to your morning coffee puts your body into fat-burning mode for the rest of the day.

This coffee trick takes less than a minute…

Nonetheless, it instantly revs up your metabolism while also improving your health, energy, and overall well-being!

Here’s to a fantastic start to your day!

=> Try This 10 Sec Fat-Burning Coffee Trick!

The End of Black Coffee

Article source => https://www.webmd.com/hepatitis/coffee-help-liver


Antiviral Research: “Anti-hepatitis B virus activity of chlorogenic acid, quinic acid and caffeic acid in vivo and in vitro.”

British Liver Trust: “Coffee and the Liver,” “Coffee consumption and the liver—the potential health benefits.”

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition: “Coffee and Health: A Review of Recent Human Research.”

Hepatology: “Coffee intake is associated with lower rates of liver disease progression in chronic hepatitis C,” “Inverse associations of total and decaffeinated coffee with liver enzyme levels in NHANES 1999-2010.”

Mayo Clinic: “Cirrhosis,” “Does coffee offer health benefits?” “Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.”

Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: “Mid-life coffee and tea drinking and the risk of late-life dementia: a population-based CAIDE study.”

News release, Elsevier: “Take a coffee or tea break to protect your liver.”

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