Home Health Health Tips How to Control Obesity with Some Simple Lifestyle Changes

How to Control Obesity with Some Simple Lifestyle Changes

How to Control Obesity with Some Simple Lifestyle Changes

When people go out to eat, they are automatically drawn to the mentality that ‘more is good’. The plates, the portion sizes, the big glasses, people automatically gravitate towards places that serve more food.

It’s human psychology after all and the restaurants and the food industry knows it well. The drawback of this approach is that we are getting obese more quickly than at any point in our history.

And forget developed countries, even developing countries are struggling with this issue. Gluttony is becoming OK, and that’s not OK in any sense of the word.

It’s a medical and health issue of epic proportions with about a third of Americans considered obese and the figure is expected to be half of the entire population of the US in 2050. There are 2.1 billion obese people in the world right now. Steps are required if we are to nip this issue in the bud.

Governments Need To Get Their Act Together

There is a criminal lack of awareness of the dangers associated with obesity. Obesity alone can take a major chunk of your country’s healthcare costs. For something that is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen, governments around the world need to stand up and take notice. To educate people, the government should start producing programs and airing them regularly on TV and radio as a part of a comprehensive obesity awareness program.

Schools should also adopt it as part of their education curriculum. School canteens should also be checked and restructured into providing more wholesome and healthy meals to school-going kids on a daily basis. We owe it to our future generations to inculcate healthy eating habits in our kids now.

A more incentive-based package for civil servants should be introduced so that they do their bit in advocating the cause of an anti-obese lifestyle in their respective constituencies.

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Parents Can Also Join In the Effort

For parents, it is necessary to ease back into a diet that includes less rice and less meat. A diet that’s rich in carbs does not have a good effect on weight loss as all the glucose in the human body is used as an energy source and fat is left untouched. Over time, this fat accumulates and makes people obese.

To ensure the people take advantage of fat burning in their daily lives, a diet that’s rich in protein is highly recommended. If you live in a suburb, instead of taking your children to school in a car, it’s far healthy to let them cycle or walk to school.

It’s a simple solution that can help save untold in fuel costs as well as keep the average human body and its metabolism rate to work efficiently throughout the day.

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Companies Need To Ensure Employees Get Enough Exercise

Human resource departments in the corporate sector should make it a point to ensure the average employee is not relegated to a computer seat all day. The casualty of the modern age is that we all spend a majority of our day arched over the monitor screen and sitting with an improper posture.

So, instead of letting employees exercising their fingers only, give them ample time to work out or assign a specific time for doing some fitness focused exercises.

The truth is that given enough will and determination, people can beat obesity. All it takes is to adopt a nutritious lifestyle with some little exercises here and there. What’s more important is that the government and civil society and businesses should all resolve to manage this menace once and for all. But we all need to deal with it on an individual level.

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