Home Health Diabetes



Diabetes is a condition in which a person has a high blood sugar level. This may be because either the body’s cells are not responding to insulin as they should or because the production of insulin isn’t adequate in the body. Patients suffering from diabetes tend to feel increasingly hungry and thirsty and they constantly need to urinate.

Some Key Details about Diabetes

It is important to know some key details about diabetes, one of which is that this is a long-term condition and according to a research in 2013, more than 380 million people were suffering from it. Among the more common types of diabetes is gestational diabetes which occurs commonly during pregnancy.

As mentioned, the frequent need to urinate, extreme hunger and thirst are the most common symptoms of diabetes. But it goes far beyond that and sufferers can lose excess weight or start gaining weight without a normal pattern. Also, fatigue becomes a regular part of life. It can lead to male sexual dysfunction without hopes of recovery. The risk of a cardiovascular disease increases significantly if one is a diabetes patient. It is therefore mandatory to keep your blood and cholesterol levels in check regularly.

Types of Diabetes:

Type-1 Diabetes

When a patient is suffering from Type-1 Diabetes, the body stops producing insulin which is why this type can also be called insulin-dependent diabetes. Type-1 can affect people in early adulthood and even teenagers. Diabetics suffering from type-1 depend on insulin injections and have to go through regular blood checkups. They have to stick to a special diet and stay away from a lot of the regular food they were used to before being diagnosed. Among all the people who suffer from diabetes, around 10% of the people suffer from type-1 diabetes.

Type-2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes accounts for almost 90% of cases of diabetes. In this type of diabetes, the body stops producing sufficient insulin and the cells in the body stop reacting to insulin. This is called insulin resistance. Controlling type-2 diabetes is possible through keeping your weight in check. Losing weight, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and keeping a close and regular check on the blood glucose level can ensure this type of diabetes does not affect the body.

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However, bear in mind that Type-2 diabetes is a progressive disease and it tends to get worse with time and insulin injections can become a regular part of life if not taken care of properly. Obese people have a higher chance of developing type-2 diabetes as compared to people who are healthy and fit. Being physically inactive and following an unhealthy diet can also lead to developing type-2 diabetes. According to a study, drinking a can of soda per day increases the risk of developing this disease by over 20%.

Gestational Diabetes

Women who are pregnant are more prone to being affected by gestational diabetes. Many women have a high level of glucose in their blood but the body does not produce enough insulin to facilitate the transportation of all the glucose to the cells. This results in high level of glucose in the body. However, gestational diabetes can be controlled with proper diet and exercise.

If this type of diabetes is not taken care of, it can lead to risks of complicated childbirth in pregnant women. Around 20% of gestational diabetics need glucose controlling medicines to control the level of glucose in their blood.

According to experts, women, whose diet prior to being pregnant contained excess fat and cholesterol, are at a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes.

So, these are the types of diabetes and what causes them. This will give you an idea of the type of diabetes you are at risk for.

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