Home Health Health Tips How to Make Sure Your Eyesight is Perfect

How to Make Sure Your Eyesight is Perfect

How to Make Sure Your Eyesight is Perfect

Imagining a life without eyesight seems impossible. Though every body part is important for the human body to function at its best, but too often we forget to take good care of them. Eventually, if you don’t take care of your eyes, you unwittingly increase the risk of loss or weakening of your eyesight.

According to a recent study by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), a rough estimate shows that around 43 million people in the US will develop some sort of eye disease in the next five years.

This is an alarming situation, which should not be taken lightly. With a few simple preventive measures, you can ensure your eyesight is perfect. This way, you will also minimize the risk for developing any kind of eye diseases.

Examine the Risk of Eye Diseases

The first thing you need to do is check your family history. Is there anyone in your family who suffers from diabetes or high blood pressure? These are some of the most common diseases which can lead to eyesight related problems.

Similarly, age is one of the factors that affect eyesight. Other determining factors include the place where you live. For example, if you live in an area where the temperature is high or you are exposed to harsh UV radiations from the sun, you are at a greater risk of eyesight related problems.

All these factors linked with eye diseases will inform you about your eyesight and the level of risk you face of losing it. Examining your condition is important, as it will indicate any issues that can cause damage and therefore be treated on time.

Checking for other diseases, like hypertension and diabetes, is also important as both these diseases are linked with major eye problems, like macular degeneration, ocular hypertension and diabetic retinopathy.

Check Your Vision

Often, there are minor changes in vision. This is counted as a symptom that your eyesight is affected. Keeping a closer look helps you determine if your eye needs testing. If you notice flashes of light or pain in your eyes, then you should visit a doctor soon as it shows your eyes are having a hard time seeing clearly or there are changes in your vision.

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Frequent floaters and swelling are some other indicators which shouldn’t be left untreated or else your eyesight could be severely affected.

Exercise Regularly

A few studies by the AAO suggest that the level of physical activity a person indulges in has a strong connection to his/her  eyesight. Therefore, regular exercise or a mild-level workout, such as walking, can be beneficial for maintaining perfect eyesight.

Daily workouts can also greatly minimize your risk of developing any age-related eye conditions, such as macular degeneration, by more than 65%. Whenever you are near dust, make sure you wear UV protected sunglasses that will save you from dust particles and the harmful rays from the sunlight, which can cause diseases like cataracts.

Eat Natural Healthy Foods

A number of studies have proven that the antioxidants present in fresh and natural fruits and vegetables are good for eye health. They help in stabilizing your eyesight as well as assisting your body in minimizing the risk of dangerous eye diseases.

Antioxidants, especially the ones obtained from leafy green vegetables, help in restoring the poor eyesight back to the normal. Other food items that are recommended by nutritionists for eye health include omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish and vitamin-rich fruits, like berries and oranges. The addition of natural and healthy foods to your diet is essential as it fulfills the requirement of nutrients that keeps the eyes healthy.

Following these preventive measures ensures your eyes stay healthy. Do keep them in mind to prevent eyesight related problems.

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