Home Relationship and family The importance of a healthy family relationship

The importance of a healthy family relationship


[stag_dropcap font_size=”50px” style=”squared”]W[/stag_dropcap]hat is a family?

A family is a complex form of biological, social, material and spiritual relationships between people linked by marriage, blood, or adoption. Being a social phenomenon, it develops through society and modifies it.

How important is to have a healthy relationship with your family?

The most important relationship in the world is the one between kids and parents. Parents gave us life, raised us and took care of all our needs our entire life. Just like every parent loves his kids, also kids have to love their parents. Between kids and parents should be a special kind of relationship: affection, respect, protection, faith, and help. Kids should listen to their parent’s advice, for the simple fact that they’re adults who take care of us and because we can trust them completely. They always want what is good for us and that’s why we have to listen and respect their advices.

This kind of family relationship should be based on sincerity, with no lies whatsoever.

Also, the family relationship between brothers has to be strong. Brothers are part of our family from the very beginning, so they should also be our best friends, we should love them and help them in need. If we have bigger brothers, we should listen to their advices, and if we have smaller brothers we should protect them 100%.

A family is our first social framework. It teaches us everything we need to know about respect, dignity, inside freedom. The family environment offers safety, peace, affection, things we need for a normal and balanced development.

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Here are some tips on how to have a healthy relationship with your family:

  • Understand your family very well;
  • Respect every member of your family;
  • Give time to each and every one from the family;
  • Treat everyone as equal;
  • Try not to fight with your siblings;
  • You should never discriminate;
  • Learn how to compromise: it is essential;
  • Help each other, as often as you can;
  • Appreciate your siblings and congratulate them for their achievements;
  • Don’t use offensive and abusive words against each other;
  • Empathize with your relatives;
  • Never forget about your promises ;
  • Don’t scold too much;
  • Learn to forgive;
  • Don’t betray the trust of your family.

Have you ever heard about the 5 L’s? They are factors that can help you have a healthy relationship with your family?

  • Learning
  • Loyalty
  • Love
  • Laughter
  • Leadership

In the end, we can all agree that the relationship between a family is essential and it takes hard work to built a successful and healthy one. Most people love and value their families but they are not aware of the importance of improving their family relationship.

Do you know how to have a healthy family relationship? If you do what’s necessary, it can be well worth the effort.

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