Home Health What Makes a Yoga Therapy Practitioner

What Makes a Yoga Therapy Practitioner

What Makes a Yoga Therapy Practitioner

It’s official. In the face of mounting scientific evidence that yoga therapy does wonders for both mind and body, there is a scarcity of yoga masters nowadays. For too long, yoga was considered a new age fad. But now with growing awareness and knowledge, people want to enrich their lives with yoga and meditation.

Why Is Yoga Enjoying Resurgence In Its Popularity?

More people are becoming aware of the soothing and healing effect yoga therapy has on their mind and body, so much so that yoga therapy is considered a separate and dedicated field of study now. It has been known that a regular yoga practitioner can enjoy increased damage resistance to common pains of the joint muscles as well as warding off chronic diseases.

Cancer and diabetes can be controlled or prevented altogether thanks to yoga therapy getting rid of toxic and noxious chemicals from the body. Many people are now on the lookout for certified yoga therapy as opposed to regular yoga therapy. The practice of yoga is no longer confined to certain niche and segments. Yoga therapy, along with traditional and conventional medical care practices, promises to deliver results people don’t expect even the most qualified doctors to deliver if they go for the traditional modes of treatment. Hence, it is evident that people are taking yoga seriously.

What Does It Take To Become A Certified Yoga Therapist?

Since yoga is enjoying resurgence in popularity, it is important to keep some things in mind if one is applying to be a certified yoga therapist. The first thing a certified yoga therapist should pay attention to is their education. Many training centers offer yoga certification courses and training nowadays.

You should look for those which include extensive coursework in various yoga-related sciences, such as advanced anatomy and muscle testing. An in-depth understanding of the human body as well as the joints and muscles are required knowledge which separates the average yoga practitioner from the certified and qualified one. This way, you will be able to help people find relief from the ailments they are suffering from and enjoy a better quality of life in the long run.

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To break it down, it’s important for individuals who are vying to become part of yoga therapists to know these things:

  1. Yoga Philosophy – The techniques and the teaching skills that make one a yoga expert.
  2. Knowledge Of Human Anatomy – In order to cure and alleviate issues such as back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, etc.
  3. Yoga Therapy Basics – People with different health conditions will require differing applications of yoga practices.
  4. Health Physiology And Diseases – Knowing how the human body functions and the potential for things that go wrong. For yoga therapy to be effective, knowing the physiology of the human body is essential.
  5. Medical Care – As a yoga therapist, you might not be able to diagnose medical conditions, let alone treat them. But having knowledge of medical care and side effects is a bonus in the field of yoga therapy.

What The Future Holds For Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapists of the future should be more concerned with programs that offer spiritual, mental and emotional growth. They should also be part of a training program that calls on them to teach for a minimum amount of time. This is because certified yoga therapists are already licensed nurses or physicians, so it’s a good idea for them to apply their yoga learning for the benefit of their patients.

Make sure you are aware of the required standards of the International Association of Yoga Therapy if you plan on being a certified therapist.

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