Home Life Guiding Never forget to make time for your passions!

Never forget to make time for your passions!


[stag_dropcap font_size=”50px” style=”squared”]P[/stag_dropcap]assions are what inspire us and give us the strength to move forward, giving somehow a purpose to our lives. Passions represent all the things we enjoy doing on a daily basis. Depending on the type of passion one might have, it can take a large amount of time to fulfill them and sometimes it might require sacrifice in your family’s budget or private life. Whatever it takes, passions are important and one should allocate for them. Doing whatever you like means discovering those activities that make you smile, and no matter how hard it might take to fulfill them, one will never get tired. By doing things that you absolutely love basically means living your life with a smile on your face and being happy.

Besides passions, good habits are also important and you should stick to them. Aristotle said: „ we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”.

The best way to build good habits that stick is to set „micro quotas” and „macro goals”. In order to achieve them, you will be motivated and you will develop good habits.

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Other ways that can make you build good habits and allocate time for them:

  • Creating behavior chains;

Eg: Instead of saying „ I will lose some weight”, you can aim for „ I will eat healthier, I will exercise and I will take care of my body.

  • Get rid of excessive options;
  • Don’t fantasize about the results of the things you are working at, be realistic;
  • Don’t quit

Some habits may be difficult to stick with, but you should allocate time for them and you will see improvements.

Remember that you need to let your good habits to shine!

Here is a list of the 20 essential good habits of highly passionate people:

  1. Excitement
  2. Courage
  3. Determination
  4. Positivity
  5. Single-mindedness
  6. Growth-orientated
  7. Selective
  8. Non-perfectionistic
  9. Prioritized
  10. Self-motivated
  11. Acceptance
  12. Generous
  13. Non-balance
  14. Personal power
  15. Happiness
  16. Fun
  17. Perspective
  18. Realistically dreamy
  19. Conditionally open-minded

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