Home Health Health Tips A Perfect Diet Guide for Alzheimer’s Patients

A Perfect Diet Guide for Alzheimer’s Patients

A Perfect Diet Guide for Alzheimer’s Patients

An oft neglected segment of treating and even preventing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s patients has always been their diets. People forget that the brain, like any other body part, is an organ that comprises of flesh and blood. It needs the right nutrients and supplements to function at efficiency. The quality of your diet determines how the grey matter can aid in building and retaining a better memory. The food you eat plays a major role in staving off Alzheimer’s and other ailments related to memory loss, such as dementia.

Think of it this way. The health of your genes depends on your diet. Prevention, as they say, is better than the cure. With the right food, it’s within your reach. Here is a look at some of the most proven diets which can help halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease before it even has a chance to wreck havoc:

The Diet for Alzheimer’s Prevention

Do you know what works great for building the blocks that are related to memory? A diet that is free from trans-fat and saturated fats. These are the enemies of thinking straight and even contribute significantly to weight gain. They make you feel drowsy and heavy. They make you feel lethargic. These are the fat sources that come primarily from animal meat. They tend to create free radicals in your body and are also prone to causing inflammation as well.

Free radicals are formed when the body is undergoing metabolism. So far, so good, but too much of these elements in your body and they then tend to work against you. They start to cannibalize brain cells when they are too high in number. For Alzheimer’s patients, that’s an absolute no-no.

To help you counteract the effects such as these, a good rule of thumb is to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. They neutralize these free radicals. To help stave off the effects of memory loss, nutritionists recommend upping the intake of fruits and vegetables. Fish are a rich source of omega-3 oils, perfect for helping control memory loss. Last, but not the least, vegetarian protein substitutes can also double as a bulwark against memory loss. Soy is an example of this.

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The Diet Breakdown for Alzheimer’s

This is what should typically comprise as the diet of people who want to enhance their memory and reduce the likelihood of ever contracting Alzheimer’s in their lifetime:

  • Lean Proteins – Your daily intake should comprise of fish, chicken, turkey and soy, all major sources of lean protein. They won’t even increase your weight at all. Lean proteins should constitute 40% of your daily calorie intake.
  • ‘Good’ Fats – You can take avocado, flaxseed oil and extra virgin olive oil to spruce up your dishes and meals daily. They all contain the ‘good’ fats (unlike trans and animal fat). Have your good fats constitute 20% of your daily dietary requirements.
  • Complex Carbohydrates – Don’t confuse this for regular old carbohydrates. These complex ingredients are usually found in fresh vegetables, legumes, whole grains and fruits too. So mix and match, settle on your choice here. These complex carbohydrates should take 40% of your daily intake.
  • Blueberries, spinach, seaweed. DO you know what these foods are? Superfoods for the brain that enhance grey matter and act as an antioxidant on overdrive.

The Last Word

These foods are perfect for preventing Alzheimer’s. However, they can be further bolstered by the use of high potency vitamins and mineral capsules. Folic acid and Vitamin C in a vitamin formula are recommended for Alzheimer’s patients. This is because folic acid homocysteine levels in the human body are responsible for memory loss and heart ailments.  Taking vitamin C with vitamin E cuts down the risk of contracting Alzheimer’s by as much as 20%.

By incorporating these foods and energy sources in your daily diet, Alzheimer’s can be prevented for good.

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