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Personality tests in HR processes

Personality tests in HR processes

Personality tests nowadays are being used on a large scale by recruiters to determine the best employee profile. Many studies showed the fact that the main reason of professional failure is one`s behavior. So, in order to determine a good profile for the future employee, recruiters use some popular personality tests. These personality tests allow managing many job applications and also they guarantee the objectivity of the result.

Of course, not all popular personality tests used in recruitment have a high degree of performance predictability, so it is very important to choose the knowledge-based assessment tools. This article presents the most effective five personality tests, scientifically validated over decades of research.

  1. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire or 16PF Questionnaire – A multiple-choice personality questionnaire which was developed over several decades of research by Raymond B. Cattell. According to R.B. Cattell, a person`s personality can be categorized into 16 different personality factors. There are 185 multiple-choice questions about daily situations of the candidate to make an evaluation of his/her interests, opinion and behavior on a daily basis.
  2. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) A psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. There are 93 questions on an A/B format, and it measures whether an individual personality leans towards these two tendencies in the following group: Extraversion / Introversion, Intuition/Sensing, Thinking/Feeling and Judging/ Perceiving.
  3. The Caliper Profile – Evaluates how an individual`s traits will relate in the future with his/her job performance. There are a few statements that the candidate needs to provide which statement matches their perspective more than the other.
  4. SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire – It gives employers an idea on how certain behaviors will impact a candidate’s work performance. The candidate is being given four statements on which he has to decide which statement best describes them and which least. The result will provide specific data for the recruiter on candidate`s performance in specific job-related domains.
  5. DISC Behavior Inventory – A behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different behavioral traits: Dominance, Inducement, Submission, and Compliance.
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Personality tests can guide recruiters and managers through a recruitment process, but it should not have a decisional role throughout the process, but more an informative role, that managers can use during training sessions to make differences between future employees.

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