Jim Rohn said that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. If you agree with what he said, keep coming back to this words and choose carefully the people around you, choose your life, change it with a better one.

The life you will live and how successful you will be are things that come down to the people around you, the people you spend time with. You have to always remember and tell yourself: “ people around me determine how I think, how I act and will determine how successful I will be.”

Ask yourself who are the people you spend time with? I advise you to do the following exercise:

  • Think about the five people you spend the most time with. How to do that? A day has 24 hours, ask yourself how many of those hours are spent with which people? Probably they are members of your family, co-workers or friends. Write their names down, on a piece of paper.
  • Once the list is ready, think about who are they. What are they doing with their lives? How successful have they been? Are they determined? Are they ambitious? Are they optimistic? Are they happy?
  • Now, evaluate the situation and think if they are the appropriate people to help you achieve the next level in life? Do they believe in you? Are they pushing you forward when you have new good ideas or they are discouraging you?
  • Read again your list and make some decisions. Who in your list do you want to continue spending time with? Don’t be afraid if not all your five close people meet the standard of excellence you want to set for you. You have the right to choose your life and look for better persons to keep around you. Think about what Dr. DRE was singing: “ Sice last you heard from me, I lost some friends, well, heh, me and Snoop we’re dippin’ again.

Start surrounding yourself with the right people.  How will you do that? Keep close to you the open-minded and wise people, who will help you to pursue your dreams and push you towards your positive vision. Open your eyes now and observe! See who are the people around you! If they are people you want to become, if they add value into your life, then you are in best possible scenario. If not, then it’s necessary to try to change the circle of people around you, in order to have a better and successful life.

Related:  You don’t need to try so hard to be happy

If they are people you want to become, if they add value to your life, then you are in the best possible scenario. If not, then it’s necessary to try to change the circle of people around you, in order to have a better and successful life.

Of course, people around you are important, but you are the most important “ingredient” in your life. Once you are surrounded by good people, the road to success is easier, but you also have to concentrate on yourself.

Work hard for what you want and never think about giving up on your dreams, remember that a life worth having, never comes easy.

Remember, you have the power to choose your life story.

You can take control and have any kind of life you want, because:

  • You have the power to control your behavior: you can control how to spend your time and how to react to different things;
  • You have the power to choose to work hard: if you choose to work hard, you can see positive results. You can also choose what type of work you want to do and for how long;
  • You make choices every day: you wake up every day, with the power to choose what you are going to do. Our advice is to make choices that will help you rise your level;
  • You control who you keep around you: as we told you before, your entourage is very important;
  • You can establish your own goals: it will help you to stay motivated because you’ll have a clear direction for every aspect of your life;
  • Failure doesn’t mean that you have to stop trying: Everybody failed several times before they got it right
  • You have the power to influence your future: You don’t have to allow the past to define the rest of your life. Try to create the type of future you feel like you are really meant to live.
  • You have the power to choose your attitude: your attitude can say a lot about you, so make sure you pay attention to that.

The life you’ve always dream of is not far away.

Comment below and share with us how your loved ones helped you have a better life.

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