I tell people:

Do what you love, but it can also be hard to know what you love early on. But when you think about it and you describe the options, which one gets you a little more excited? Brad D. Smith

If you want to improve your life and transform your lifestyle, we strongly advice you to find something you love a lot, something you are passionate about and do it for a living. This is not one of the easy things to do, but it’s worth the effort and can come with a great feeling of satisfaction.

Take the time to listen to the sound of your inner monolog!

What do you love to do?

What’s your hobby? Was there something in your childhood that you loved to do, but you forgot about it as an adult? Try to remember and maybe you’ll find your answer faster than you think.

What do you spend time reading about?

Have you ever notice that you spend hours reading and collecting information about a specific topic? If so, open your mind to these subjects and there may be a few possibilities for you. Look into them!

What do you think about brainstorming?

Begin by writing down ideas. At this stage, there are no bad ideas. Look everywhere for inspiration and write everything down, because nothing comes to mind right away.

Do you ask people questions?

You are allowed to ask other people for ideas. See what passions they have. Search on the internet. The more possibilities you have, the more likely to discover your true passion. It can be something you’ve always liked or it can be something new.

You are aware of the fact that you should be responsible?

If you find your passion, don’t just quit everything else. Don’t jump into your passion as a career, because new ideas should be tested first.

People often advice you to “ just follow your passion”. Well, sometimes this can be frustrating if you don’t actually know what your passion is. Before you can be brave and follow your passion, you have to find it. How to do that? We’ll help you! Finding your passion is possible, even if you are a busy growing up.

Related:  How to start loving yourself. 5 easy steps

5 tips to find out what you love in life

  1. Have the right perspective

You won’t be opened to possibilities if you consider that finding your passion is a difficult thing to do, or you think it won’t happen for you. Thinking like that will block the signs that you may receive. First of all, start believing! Choose to follow the perspective that you can do what you love.


  1. Scan the landscape of your life

In order to extract the evidence of what you already love to do, you have to analyze your life closer. Let’s create a story! One summer, you were a French teacher for a group of students. You loved it! Why do you think you loved it? Because of the young people, because of the French language? It’s possible…but it’s also possible that you actually loved being a leader or adding value to a little community.  All of these aspects are key ingredients for our story.

  1. Make connections

All the things that matter to you are connected, even if at the first sight it doesn’t seem so. Your passion should fit beneath it all these things, exactly like an umbrella. Do you have any idea of what may be your umbrella?

  1. Hobby vs. Profitable Passion

While you are searching for your passion you may find something and fall immediately in love. Please keep in mind that not all the hobbies are profitable. You have to ask yourself: who will benefit from this and who will pay for it? If it’s worth go for it!

  1. Accept your limits

You have to be brave but in the same time, you have to know your limits.Find your own version of brave because is better to expand your comfort zone than leaving it.

The word needs passionate people, so take action and explore all the possibilities until you find your true passion. Once found, stick with it, explore it and improve your life with it.

What is your passion?

When did you discover it?

Are you earning money from it or it’s just a hobby?


Please share your thoughts with us, in a comment below.

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