Home Health Health Tips How to detoxify your colon with home remedies

How to detoxify your colon with home remedies

How to detoxify your colon with home remedies

The colon performs several functions, including nutrient absorption and facilitating waste disposal. Take care of this organ with the following 4 natural juices, delicious and detoxifying.

Your body is being assaulted by an endless series of unhealthy foods every day. But not all organs are affected in the same way. One of the components of the body that suffers especially from a poor diet is the colon. In today’s article we invite you to discover how to detoxify your colon with four excellent natural juices.

The colon performs several functions. These include nutrient absorption. In addition, this body has the role of extracting water and salt from solid waste before they are removed from the body. Overall, the colon is one of the most important components of the intestines.

Because it performs these functions, the colon is prone to accumulation of an excessive amount of toxins. Therefore, some complications may occur in the intestines.

Intestinal problems do not arise solely because of an unhealthy diet. There are many other factors that we need to consider. For example, sedentary lifestyle and the habits that cause the accumulation of toxins can also cause intestinal problems.

The colon helps the body to replenish fluids, process waste and prepare them for disposal. It is important to have the colon clean, so that this organ can function properly. In today’s article we present two tricks that will help you to this end.

More and more people are experiencing colon problems. Naturally, the main cause is the food we eat. Because the colon is a component of the large intestine, food waste goes through it, and it is necessary to clean your colon periodically.

That being said, don’t just let your colon detoxify on your own. A good idea is to try various alternatives to detoxify this organ on a regular basis.

The role of the colon

The role of the colonThe colon performs a simple function. This organ is located at the end of the large intestine and represents the last region through which waste passes before it is eliminated from the body. Problems arise when our dietary habits and lifestyle are deficient.

Why? Harmful habits weaken the colon and overload it every day. As a result, it is no longer able to perform its important functions. The consequence of this is the increased risk of getting sick.

Wastes and toxins accumulate on the colon walls. Possible negative effects include constipation, indigestion, joint pain and even headaches. Chronic cases can trigger very serious kidney and liver disease.

In order to keep your colon healthy, it is essential to carefully consider your diet. First, you should consume a lot of fiber. It is also advisable to take advantage of the benefits of a depurative diet several times a year, to eliminate the accumulated waste in your intestines.

We advise you to detoxify your colon at the weekend, on holidays or on a day off. Basically, this process should only be done when you are at home.

Herbal remedies are very useful for this purpose. It avoids infusing your body with other types of chemicals, which, in the long run, cause additional complications.

Green juices help detoxify your colon

In addition to their characteristic color, the following natural beverages have some very important components. Green juices contain an endless list of nutrients and properties beneficial to the body.

We advise you to take advantage of the benefits of these drinks to detoxify your colon. This way, you will also cleanse your intestines of toxins. Green drinks are the most recommended natural product to detoxify this component of the body.

Try Pure Greens

Detoxify the colon with natural juices of carrots and garlic

You can detoxify your colon with natural juices from carrots and garlic

Both carrots and garlic are useful for cleansing the colon and intestines. Here’s an incredible recipe that combines the benefits of both ingredients:

Detoxify the colon with natural juices of carrots and garlicIngredients

  • 2 strains of celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 medium dill stalks
  • 3 parsley stems
  • 4 salad leaves
  • 1 beet
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Water (to taste)

Method of preparation and consumption

First, wash each ingredient separately with cold water or at room temperature.

The next step is to pour water into a kitchen robot. Make sure you add the optimum amount of water. After processing them, there should be no large chunks of ingredients in the drink.

Then add the rest of the ingredients and process. The final drink must be homogeneous.

In general, this green juice should be drunk immediately before breakfast.

Detoxify the colon with natural green apple juices

You can detoxify your colon with natural juices from green apples

Below is another incredible and delicious recipe that helps you take care of your colon.

Detoxify the colon with natural green apple juices Ingredients

  • 1 green apple
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seed
  • 2 tablespoons organic honey
  • 1 cup of water

Method of preparation and consumption

Start by washing the ingredients.

Then, peel the apple and remove the seeds. Cut it into slices to facilitate processing and place it in the kitchen robot.

Now add the flax seeds, honey and water.

Process for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous drink.

We advise you to drink this green juice immediately before bedtime. This will usually help you cleanse your body of toxins.

Detoxify the colon with natural spinach juices

You can detoxify your colon with natural spinach juices

And the following delicious and nourishing juice helps you cleanse your colon.

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  • 2 fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 3 orange
  • 1 cup of papaya
  • 1 slice of pineapple

Method of preparation and consumption

Wash the spinach leaves and set them aside.

Then, peel the grapefruit, squeeze it and put the juice aside in a container.

Peel the three oranges and squeeze the juice. Put their juice aside in another container.

Chop papaya into small pieces. Put these pieces in a kitchen robot. Do the same with the pineapple slice.

Now pour the spinach, grapefruit juice and orange juice into the kitchen robot.

Process until you get a homogeneous liquid.

We advise you to drink this fresh juice at any time of the day.

Try Pure Greens

Detoxify the colon with natural herbs

If you want a spicy herbal drink, do not hesitate to try the following green juice.


  • 2 big green tomatoes
  • ¼ tablespoon red pepper
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon basil
  • 2 small coriander stems
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons parsley 

Method of preparation and consumption

First, wash the green tomatoes and cilantro.

Then peel the cucumber and cut it into pieces so that it can be processed more easily.

Add all ingredients in a kitchen robot.

Process for two minutes or until you get a homogeneous liquid, without solid pieces.

You can drink this smoothie beneficial for the colon at any time of the day.

2 foods with which you naturally cleanse your colon

Cleanse your colon with food

Colon cleansing and detoxification can be a very exasperating process, requiring multiple visits to the toilet throughout the day. But the good news is that having a healthy, clean colon will make you feel much better. Moreover, you will avoid many disturbing diseases.

Throughout the colon cleansing treatment, you must drink plenty of water. This liquid keeps you hydrated and facilitates the disposal of waste. We advise you to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.

If you want, you can start your day with a glass of warm lemon juice (just a few drops). This combination will stimulate your metabolism.

 Consuming apples cleanses your colon

Consuming apples cleanses your colonAs for foods with the ability to cleanse the colon, apples are one of the best options available. So, incorporate a large quantity of apples into your diet for three days. Try different recipes so you don’t get bored.

Apples are an ideal food to eliminate toxins. You can take advantage of this benefit whether you choose to peel or not. It also doesn’t matter if you serve whole apples or juice. Here’s what you need to do:

  • After you drink the glass of lemon juice, drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.
  • Then drink a glass of plain water.
  • Repeat this process throughout the day. Basically, try to drink four glasses of apple juice and four glasses of water a day.
  • Pectin from apples stimulates bowel movements. This component breaks down toxins and speeds up their elimination. You can follow the detoxifying diet described above at any weekend. However, you must follow it for a period of 72 hours.
  • Eat as many apples as you want. Serve this raw fruit without combining it with other foods.
  • Consume one tablespoon of olive oil when you wake up and one more before bed.
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day.

Do not consume any other food during treatment. As soon as you have finished the cure, you can begin to enrich your diet with light foods. Consume a lot of fiber. We advise you to opt for raw fruits and vegetables and soups.

Last but not least, make sure you drink enough water every day!

Because the cure presented above is very intense, follow it only three or four times a year — that is, once every three or four months.

How do you cleanse your colon with salt?

Cleanse your colon with saltCleanse your colon with salt

And the following treatment helps you cleanse your colon. But avoid it if you have high blood pressure or kidney problems. The treatment below should be followed for a single day, but you will have to stay home, not engage in any activity that requires much effort and avoid sudden movements.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • When you wake up, boil a cup of water and add a tablespoon of sea salt. Allow the beverage to cool so that it does not burn, then drink it slowly.
  • If your head hurts or you have nausea, do not worry: this reaction is normal.
  • If necessary, stretch and gently massage your stomach.
  • Rest a few minutes (or maybe even an entire hour) on the couch or in bed. You can read or watch TV until you feel the need to go to the toilet. Repeat this process several times a day.
  • During the day, consume only light foods: vegetable soups, natural juices and herbal teas. Do not consume fries, meat, flour or sugars. Drink the water mixture with salt again at noon and in the evening.

Try not to leave the house on the weekend when you are going to treat your colon, because you will have to go to the toilet very often.

The cures presented in this article will help you keep your colon clean and healthy. Do not forget, however, that it is important to drink plenty of water and follow a high fiber diet.

Try Pure Greens

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