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8 Good Parenting Skills

8 Good Parenting Skills

Parenting isn’t easy for the best; most experienced mom or dad, because each child is so different and because children’s needs constantly change. Logic sometimes works, but children don’t always respond to motivators for the adult. Their emotions of the moment often drive their actions. You may be able to ask your child’s grandparents what to do in certain situations, but they may not have the answers. With the ever-changing world and issues that grandparents never had to deal with, a skills list to help parents become better may prove useful.

Consistency Counts

Be fair and firm with discipline, but always act out of love. If you are consistent in your reactions, your child will always recognize the boundaries. Make sure your children know the rules and what behavior you expect of them. They should know the consequences of their actions.

Daily Care

A very good parent provides nutritional meals for her children as well as a safe environment. Teach your children to practice good hygiene and other daily living activities as they grow and develop. Set a regular bedtime so your children get sufficient rest. Take them to the doctor or dentist for preventative medical care and to help them heal when they are injured or sick.

Use language to influence toddlers and have a happier family with less stress!

Show Your Love

Don’t expect your child to just know that you love him. Show your emotions constantly by hugging; touching and telling him and doing little things that make him happy. When he brings high grades and creative art projects home from school, love will show in your pride as you display them on the refrigerator or on your desk at work. Supply a positive environment, and reinforce good behavior.

Life Lessons

Children will need to learn how to make the right choices. Stand behind your son or daughter, and offer to help with decisions, but gradually encourage her to make them on her own. Being a parent is a full-time job that requires repetition and constant reminders. Protect your children from dangerous Websites, and teach them the red flags to look out for. Enforce good table manners and other lessons that will help your children function in society.

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A strong parent teaches his children accountability. Children should take responsibility for their actions by letting you know where they are, owning up to mistakes, correcting these mistakes and accepting the consequences for their actions. House rules need to be clearly stated and reinforced. If your children see you following rules and being accountable, they are more likely to follow your lead.

Reinforcing Responsibility

Teach your child responsibility by giving her some within the family unit. She should take part in family chores. She needs to show up for family events and meals. Stress the importance of completing schoolwork and studying for tests. Teach your child the importance of helping others through volunteerism.


Reciprocal Respect

Your children should respect others every time. They need to understand and respect the value of authority, and they should listen to teachers and others in charge. Everyone needs to respect other people’s opinions, rights and property. Set a good example, and exhibit your respect for your child in the same manner.

Lifelong Learning

Children will place a higher value on education if their parents do. Have your child at school on time every day. When they bring home information from school, take a little time to read it. If your child is struggling in school, help her by assisting with homework and contacting the teacher if necessary. Read with your child, and teach important educational lessons whenever opportunities arise. Include your children in trips to the grocery store by putting them in charge of shopping lists and a budget. Show the value of understanding science through nutrition, fitness and gardening.

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