Home Health How to fix ED without drugs: 5 naturally ways to overcome ED

How to fix ED without drugs: 5 naturally ways to overcome ED

How to fix ED without drugs: 5 naturally ways to overcome ED

ED or erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or to keep enough an erection, in order to have sexual intercourse. It is usually referred to as impotence.

Frequent erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a health problem that needs treatment. You can go to a specialist or you can try to treat it naturally. If you want to know how to fix ED without drugs, we present you 5 naturally ways to overcome impotence.

How to fix ED without drugs

  1. Walk 2 miles a day

When it comes to boosting sexual performance, you surely want to do everything you can. So, walking 2 miles every day, isn’t very hard, is it? We are not talking about running, just walking. This measure, along with a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction and can even treat ED. Living a healthy life and obtaining and maintaining a proper weight will definitely help you to avoid ED.

  1. Do pelvic exercises

Pelvic exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, are good for your sexual health and for your urinary continence. What kind of help is provided by these exercises? They strengthen the bulbocavernosus muscle, which does 3 important things: allows the penis to engorge with blood during an erection, it pumps during ejaculation and, after urination, it helps empty the urethra.

  1. Acupuncture

It is well known that acupuncture has become an effective treatment for a lot of conditions and diseases, so it can also help with ED problems.

  1. Use herbs
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Studies show that the best herb for treating ED is red ginseng, also known as herbal Viagra. The root has to be dried, and the plant must be grown for a minimum of five years before it can be used. Use it three times a day and it will be effective for your ED treatment.

  1. Drink watermelon juice

Well, this is a tasty solution on how to fix ED without drugs. A cold slice of watermelon not only satisfy thirst and hunger, but it can also improve your sex life. One of the amino acids found in watermelon has the ability to improve blood flow to the penis.

These 5 natural ways can answer the questions: “ How to fix ED without drugs ?” , but is always best to check with your doctor first.

We know that ED might be a nightmare for you because men can judge themselves pretty harshly when it comes to their sexual performance. The possibility of not being able to rise to the occasion can be equated with failure and loss of dignity, and we understand that. But, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of ED treatments that work and there also

But, it’s important to remember that there are a lot of ED treatments that work and there also these solutions on how to fix ED without drugs.

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