Home Health and Wellness Foods that lead to hair loss

Foods that lead to hair loss

Foods that lead to hair loss

Hair tends to fall out more frequently during the changing seasons. But if you notice that it happens all year round, it may be caused by certain foods.

How normal is hair loss? Where does the worry begin?

How normal is hair loss? Where does the worry begin?It is a question that disturbs our mornings.

Both women and men. One more thread, and one more. When does it stop? A sign of health, hair with volume, and shine when it falls awakens moments of fear.

You may think, most of the time, that you have a chronic problem. It is easy to assume that there is a health problem that causes hair loss.

But some hair loss is normal for everyone and for any age. When you wash your hair well in the shower, the hairs that are already lost or disconnected from the scalp gather near the drain. While it might look like a serious bunch of lost strands, it could probably be lost hair normally. If you are experiencing unusual hair loss for you, including bare spots, and falling hair fragments, you should see your family doctor or dermatologist.

How much hair is normal to fall out in a day According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. For people with longer hair, their loss may be more visible and harder to bear. Because there are over 100,000 hair follicles on each person’s scalp, losing 100 hairs a day doesn’t make a big difference in appearance. How much hair does a man lose on average?

Woman hair lossWhat about a woman? Women tend to lose more hair a day than men. There is no way to measure the difference objectively because daily hairstyles and frequent hair coloring play an important role in how much hair is damaged. About 40 percent of women lose more hair than normal every day because of the way they style their hair.

Hair loss is a problem that affects both men and women and does not take into account age.

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Why is diet important when it comes to hair growth?

Why is diet important when it comes to hair growth?

Your hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in your body (second only to intestinal cells). To add to this, you have roughly 120,000 hairs on your scalp, all of which need nourishment in order to grow. But because hair is not a vital organ or tissue, your body will never priorities its nutritional needs. So, due to hair’s expendable nature, a nutritional imbalance will often show up first in the form of hair loss.

Both deficiencies, as well as excesses, of certain things in your diet can result in hair loss.

Although there are many treatments for prevention today, you should be aware that some foods you eat daily can cause hair loss and damage.

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A nutrient-poor diet can lead to the loss of over 100 hairs daily. Then there are some foods that can cause hair loss:

Refined sugar: we find it in cakes and any foods with excess sugar.

This reduces the nutrient supply of the scalp and follicles.

We will take a closer look at how sugar impacts hair growth in a future article.

FriedFried: high consumption of cheese, fried sausages, butter, and other high-fat foods can make your hair look greasy and also cause an increase in testosterone levels, which can increase the risk of alopecia.

SaltSalt: the abuse of this spice makes you retain fluids and, in the long run, also damages organs.

It can also cause hair loss shortly after consumption.

Animal proteinAnimal protein: Excess protein reduces the proper digestion of uric acid that builds up in the blood, which will cause hair loss.

Although it is true that hair loss can occur mostly due to stress or hereditary factors, food also has a lot to do with alopecia.
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Foods you should eat to nourish your hair

Oats, eggs and liverOats, eggs, and liver: these foods increase the intake of biotin, which is very important for the health of the skin, hair, and nails.

Oranges, avocados and broccoliOranges, avocados, and broccoli: allow us to increase folic acid in our body, which intervenes in the multiplication of cells and in the creation of white and red blood cells.

Meat, whole grains, and nuts: provide us with vitamin B and prevent us from breaking our hair easily.

Pistachio, lentilsPistachio, lentils provide a large amount of iron, which is essential for hair well-being.

CarrotsCarrots: good for the eyes and can also be used to control hair loss.

They contain a good amount of beta-carotene, an important nutrient that maintains healthy hair.

There are some major factors that influence your hair—genetics, age, hormones, nutrient deficiencies, and more. But what you eat is one of the few things you can do to control your hair’s appearance.

After all, if you are predisposed to thin, so-so hair, you wouldn’t want to make it worse by consuming the wrong foods, would you? And even if you belong in a hair commercial, you’d like to protect that look, right? That’s where picking the right healthy foods for hair growth comes in.

healthy foods for hair growth

Before you spend yet another year shelling out loads of cash on professional treatments or products to get the glossy locks you want, consider this. Although the thickness and strength of your hair are largely hereditary, the foods you eat (or don’t get enough of) can affect the status of your hair just as much as that fancy conditioning treatment can.

What do you think? Let me know your journey in fighting hair loss problem
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